TranZact For Integrated Retail Payments
Inspirational technology is what describes our efforts best, in this truly dynamic industry. With our globally renowned solutions and many confident clients we have assimilated a plethora of experience in providing first world, cutting edge and pioneering business solutions to the financial services industry.
Technology has revolutionized the way financial services are delivered to the marketplace. Innovation in delivery channels, new products and an overall reduced cost per transaction has challenged traditional methods. The range of financial transactions that customers perform electronically has increased phenomenally. Just a decade ago they had to go to a branch to make a withdrawal or telephone an authorization centre to make a credit card purchase or even queue up at utility provider offices to pay bills. Today, customers expect to be able to perform these among a broader range of services quickly, at any time and from any location and have come a long way in what they expect from a financial organization. While you adapt to this environment, your aim remains to acquire more business, more customers and more brand value.
New business initiatives often pressurizes investment in new application software and subsequently bring a lot of disparate business processes, information systems & platforms that can be an obstacle to delivering the customer promise. We unify business strategies by synchronizing functions in an affordable reality.
With Technology Associates as your IT partner, your technological challenges and milestones are completely taken care of, leaving enough room for you to focus on the bigger picture.
Technology Associates’ EMV integrated retail (TranZact-ECR) payment solutions for the Merchant Acquiring card payments industry
The global retail industry is undergoing unprecedented change. With growth in spending incomes across all consumer segments, retailers are scaling shopfloor space and preparing themselves to deliver the widest possible array of services to maximise their share of the consumer wallet, while delivering a tangibly pleasing customer purchase experience at their till.
Acquiring banks have risen to the challenge of the phenomenal surge in payment card transactions, even particularly as card associations viz. Visa, Mastercard, Diners, Amex..etc have imposed EMV compliance to counter the subsequent increase in fraud! Value added service is mandated in the merchant acquiring business today and merchant’s demand a significant level of “partnership” from their acquirers. To counter the pressures of reduced merchant service fees, at a time when investments in acquiring ever on the rise, the need to differentiate is immense.
In continuation with our philosophy of delivering inspiring solutions to our business partners, Technology Associates In collaboration with a globally leading technology partner, delivers an unprecedented way of integrating the settlement, reconciliation and capture of card payments at the Retail merchant’s ECR till with the acquiring bank.
Our solution to the retail acquiring industry in numerous countries allows merchants faster throughput at their tills, prevent manual fraud, increase card payment reconciliation & settlement efficiencies while also availing differentiated customer service, increased foot traffic and corresponding augmentation in complimentary revenue earnings in services such as bill payment processing, electronic voucher sales, ticketing sales and also instantly redeeming loyalty solutions, without any further outlay!
TranZact-ECR's Benefits
Added customer service value
What does the retail customer stand to gain?
- Multiple customer facilities can be offered at the point of sale, providing an appropriate response to growing customer needs.
- Quicker transaction processing time (eg of credit card transactions) offers an attractive advantage to customers.
- Cashiers never have to leave the till, separate credit card slips become a historical relic, and one transaction does it all; speeding up the process for customers, and allaying fears around the real risk of fraud.
Easy to use
Mastery in a moment, cashier friendly, human benefits
- Since cashiers are already trained in your existing till hardware (which is all TranZact-ECR uses), and the only view they have of TranZact-ECR is the operating transparency they require, training is more than manageable. In fact, in many ways it makes the life of a cashier far easier:
- EFT transactions are completed faster and with far less fuss.
- The provision of extra services creates greater job variety and human interaction, as well as many value adding opportunities.
- Enhanced customer satisfaction and operating ease leaves cashiers free to concentrate on improved customer relationships.
- TranZact-ECR's integration of bank, retailer and customer through software (rather than credit card swipe machines) means that cashiers never need to leave the till, only complete one operation per customer, and the extra hassle of credit card machine thermal rolls (changing them, storing them, managing till roll problems) become a thing of the past - all of which has the added benefit of increasing capacity through saving time, every step of the way.
Fraud reduction
Closing the net through optimal use of technology
TranZact-ECR completes transaction processing at the point of sale on one transaction value only, rendering obsolete the need for dual entry transactions. TranZact-ECR's own inner security measures complete the process of 'closing the gaps' that currently exist for fraud.
Simplified reconciliation
Reconcile directly to bank reports
The marriage of transaction settlement to the till simplifies reconciliation, since the POS system's transaction reports can be reconciled directly with incoming bank reports.
Smooth integration
A managed retailer-banker-POS developer relationships hub
TranZact-ECR provides a credible interface between retailer, banking and point of sale for electronic funds transfer and related processes. This acts as a secure gateway between retailers, banks and POS developers, and provides a managed retailer-banker-POS developer relationships hub. TranZact-ECR pragmatically acknowledges the needs of all stakeholders in POS integration software.
It wraps itself around most environments (including both hardware and software across the retailer size and industry spectrum) with very little need for change. As a software product, TranZact-ECR provides a 'middleware' layer between front and back end systems, resolving the complexities of each by presenting a consistent interface.
While current systems comprise numerous specialised hardware and software solutions, TranZact-ECR is built around providing interoperability and integration, augmenting any oversights and weaknesses in the process. Installed in a matter of days, the 'time to market' margin is squeezed considerably.
Software development costs are limited, as the point of sale application will no longer require interface and technology changes once it has embraced TranZact-ECR's application programmatic interface (API). Further, TranZact-ECR's API is backward compatible with earlier versions of TranZact-ECR APIs.
Runs on existing hardware
No additional hardware layout...
TranZact-ECR uses your existing hardware infrastructure, and does not require a separate local area network, specialised servers or card reader technology.
Allows a choice of banks
Increased bank interface choices
TranZact-ECR does not enforce the use of a common bank or 3rd party interface (unlike some products). Rather than technology forcing the choice, TranZact-ECR technology enables banking choices to be made.
Comptetitive pricing
Helping manage point of sale costs
We know that effective management of point of sale costs is vital to your business; from networks to card readers and printers, the costs are high, and the key to cost management lies in intelligent choices.
TranZact-ECR uses your existing hardware infrastructure, and does not require a separate device, separate local area network, specialised server or card reader technology.
TranZact-ECR's application programmatic interface (API) limits software development costs through eliminating the need for future interface and technology changes.
Wide sweep of additional business opportunities
Opening the door to tomorrow today
As the business of retailing expands to include new services, advances and sophistications, TranZact-ECR provides the opportunity to capitalise on emerging business opportunities. From in-store banking to loyalty schemes and 3rd party payments, the scope to generate new income has never been greater.
Intelligent technology for electronic payment gateways and commerce.
- allows choice of banks
- uses existing hardware
- installation is fast
- competitively priced
- integration is easy
- in store banking
- purchase of prepaid coupons
- third party services
- interface to loyalty schemes
- electronic commerce
TranZact-ECR’s Services & Security
No need to replace your POS application - TranZact-ECR stays with you through technology innovations, allowing you to trade profitably and safely in the complex world of EFT and related technologies.
Point of sale service
Just look at the services TranZact-ECR supports...
- Credit cards, debit cards, in house and co branded cards
- Electronic Funds Transfer
- In-store banking
- Cheque verification
- 3rd party services
- Purchases of prepaid coupons and services
- Interfacing to Loyalty and Customer Relationship Schemes
- Card based pension and wages processing
- Foreign exchange conversions
- Cross management card reciprocation
TranZact-ECR technology is suited to:
- Hyper stores through to single-till retailers
- Garage Forecourts
- Hospitality industry (restaurants, hotels, etc.)
On Line Services
Welcome to the electronic marketplace
Of obvious value in electronic commerce, banking gateways, and Internet clearing services, TranZact-ECR services include:
- Foreign currency support
- Purchase or prepaid coupons and services
For Service Providers offering facilities such as 3rd party payments and sales of prepaid vouchers / tickets / coupons, this represents a quantum leap in business potential. Obvious advantages include zero hardware outlay, and being able to reach a wider base of clients. But consider the 'time to market' advantage; how long would it take to develop and certify a TranZact-ECR replica able to provide even half of its service advantages?
Off line bulk clearing facilities
New choices in electronic funds transfer
For applications which do not require on-line processing, TranZact-ECR can store transactions during the day, ready for convenient overnight processing.
TranZact-ECR's Technical Architecture
Tired of writing DOS based applications, eating every last byte on the POS device? Fed up with developing and maintaining specific EFT interfaces to every bank through POS software?
Design Principles
- ISO8583 message standard compliant
- One coherent EFT pathway
- Modularity:
- High configurability and adaptability
- Well partitioned modules with no 'bleeding' of functionality
- Support for various communication forms (TCP/IP, NetBIOS, etc) via standard drop-in modules
- Testing and certification of individual modules
- TranZact-ECR's API renders the POS application free of future interface and technology changes
- Supports widest possible array of software platforms
Differentiated services (API sets)
API sets for differentiated services with customised support:
- Standard EFT
- Foreign Currency Support
- Third Party Payments
- In Store Banking
- Loyalty Schemes
- Garage Forecourt
- Hospitality (Restaurants, Hotels, etc.)
API Interfaces
Programme API's
- High level:
- Each 'line of business is supported by a set of high level function calls which provide suitable functionality
- The API's are unburdened with functions belonging to other applications
- Standard level:
- Functions are implemented as standard 'C' language cells
- Provided as DLL's or as linkable objects
- Primitive level:
- Functions called via simple ASCII strings
- Can be passed in a number of ways
File layout interface
Operate at a 'file' level
Suitable for diverse applications, such as bulk clearing
Stability & compatibility
Well designed and extensible API's
Better stability and backward compatibility than simple 'buffer' and 'verb' interfaces
Stability throughout the effecting of field attribute changes
TranZact-ECR's hardware and operating systems' compatibility
Communication Protocol Support
TranZact-ECR's modules support a wide range of protocols, and support full protocol layering
- X.25
- X.29
- Async SNA LU6.2
- NetBIOS Mapped Files
- Queues, sockets and pipes
Operating systems compatibility
TranZact-ECR is written using ANSI C for maximal compatibility
TranZact-ECR runs under MS DOS, Windows, Windows NT, UNIX and OS/2 operating systems.
Hardware support
Details on TranZact-ECR's broad hardware applicability
- TranZact-ECR runs on any Intel based till or server hardware
- All common pin pad and terminal devices are supported
TranZact-ECR Design Considerations
TranZact-ECR’s design is fundamental to their global appeal as a leading provider of integrated retail acquiring.
- Must be the total acquiring solution for the Retailer; i.e., Bank cards, in-house cards, third party cards, loyalty cards, cheque verification/authorisation, etc.
- All card acquiring complexities, e.g., pin pads, must be outside the domain of the point of service solution.
- Must be able to continuously and easily add value to the point of service; e.g., Loyalty, third party payments, sales of pre-paid vouchers, management of gift vouchers, etc.
- Must have the ability to route/switch transactions AT SOURCE to the service provider or authorising agent.
- Must be painlessly integrated into the diverse Retail platforms.
- Must be easily configurable to suit all retailers small, medium and corporate.
- Must be able to co-reside on store server
- Ease of Support
-Black Box Concept
TranZact-ECR Design and Architecture
TranZact-ECR Functionality – unbeatable value!
Over the past decade, TranZact-ECR’s functionality has become richer offering a far greater value proposition to the retailer without compromising on speed, security and ease of use. Close on a decade of retail technology experience has been poured into the technology platform. An experience that has come through serving world leading retailers and constantly evolving on their platform to provide competitive edge in offering customer service at the till!
- Credit Cards
- Debit Cards
- Cheque Verification
- Private Label Cards; Vision21
- Pre-Paid; pin based and pin-less
- Buy Aids
- Gift Vouchers; center, retailer, universal
- e-Bucks
- Loyalty
- Real-Time Rewards
- eCentric Switch
- Bill Payments
- Money Transfers
- Black Box Concept
TranZact-ECR Configurations
As will be described in further detail in the next chapter, TranZact-ECR’s design comprehensively covers a cross section of retail configurations.
- Single Points of Service; e.g., till, Self Service Kiosk, ATM
- Multi-Lane
- Multi-Store/Multi-Merchant
- e-Commerce
- Customer Service Centre
TranZact-ECR Integration to Point of Sale
TranZact-ECR’s world class technology design is responsible for the speed, accuracy and security of transaction processing at the Till. The technology deploys a strong technical architecture which is fundamentally a de-centralised model developed and strengthened over the years to empower every type of till into an electronic cash register with tremendous value additions.
- Simple Function Calls
- OS Support
TranZact-ECR Reporting and Reconciliation
TranZact-ECR’s reporting is comprehensive as would be expected from a world class provider serving world class retailers.
- Daily Health Check per Site
- Daily Financial report per Site/Chain
- Recon at Store Level
- Recon Centrally
TranZact-ECR’s deployment architecture ensures that the platform is available across a 99.999% uptime. With over 15,000 lanes depending upon TranZact-ECR for close to a decade for serving their Till processing for payments and vending alike, TranZact-ECR provides assurance and comfort to the discerning, fast traffic retailer.
- Example
- TranZact-ECR Server Software per Site/limited number of sites
- Primary Communications Centralised over WAN
- Secondary Communications per TranZact-ECR Server Software using ISDN/GPRS
- Example
- Multiple TranZact-ECR Server Software on LAN
- Primary communications GPRS, secondary communications ISDN.
Integration to Bank
- No changes to Bank front-end necessary
- Current Bank POS terminal interface is used
- Protocols supported
- ISO 8583
- Bic ISO
- Postilion TermApp
TranZact-ECR’s design offers an end-to-end, single security zone from the Pin-Pad & Till right through to the acquirer bank host.
Current Terminal solution
- EFT Terminals are discrete devices with no connectivity to the retail till.
- The total of the purchase captured on the till needs to be recaptured on the EFT terminal.
- Recapturing the purchase amount slows down the lane and creates a window for fraud or mistakes.
- Reconciliation between the till and the EFT terminal is done manually and in most cases problem resolution is a time consuming and expensive process.
- The retailer pays for a full blown intelligent terminal and for each a discrete link to the Bank.
- No added Value functionality on terminals.
Current Server solution
- Multi-lane stores with large volumes require quicker response times than the dial-up EFT Terminals offer.
- The current server solution offers a dedicated link to the bank.
- EFT terminals are LAN'ed to the Banks server.
- The retailer pays for the new LAN.
- Again the solution is separate from the retail infrastructure offering all concern associated with the stand-alone terminal solution.
- Although the merchant may have a network link from his store to his head office, he still needs to pay for the Bank link.
- No added value functionality on servers.
TranZact-ECR for Single Till Configurations
- TranZact-ECR co-resides in the till with the merchants till application.
- When a card or cheque is presented, the merchant’s application calls TranZact-ECR with the transaction value.
- TranZact-ECR drives the pin pad and gets the tender (card) details.
- TranZact-ECR authorises the transaction either locally or with the Bank and responds to the merchant's application.
- There is no dual capture of the transaction.
- The cost of the terminal is minimised to the cost of a semi-intelligent pin pad.
- Reconciliation is automated as the merchants till application is aware of every transaction done by TranZact-ECR.
TranZact-ECR for eCommerce
- The Web Server trades over the Internet.
- After a purchase is made the user enters his credit card number.
- Security for the card number must be built in to the Web Server.
- The Web Server passes the transaction to NOMAD via the Internet or a private network for authorisation with the Bank.
TranZact-ECR for Multi-Lane Stores
- TranZact-ECR co-resides over the store infrastructure.
- There is no need for dual capturing of the transaction.
- The transaction is automatically processes between the till application and TranZact-ECR offering a single pass transaction.
- The cost of the device is minimised to a non-intelligent or semi-intelligent pin pad.
- The stores network link to its Head Office may be used as the path to the Bank. One link from Head office to the Bank is required.
TranZact-ECR for Multi-merchant
- Large retailers generally have their own national network infrastructure.
- TranZact-ECR will co-reside over this infrastructure and requires only one link to a Bank, thus cutting down the cost at the store.
- Ideal for Shopping Centres.
TranZact-ECR for Hotels
TranZact-ECR for Forecourts
- Accepts only Fleet/Petro Cards at Forecourt.
- Accepts both Fleet and Credit Cards at Workshop.
- Accepts only Credit Cards at Convenience Store and Restaurant.
TranZact-ECR for Bulk Tansaction Handling
- Any organisation needing Bulk transaction handling, pass their files to TranZact-ECR via the Internet or a private network that processes the transactions with the Bank and returns a response file.
- TranZact-ECR is currently being deployed into the retail industry as an integratable credit card acquiring solution.
- Acceptance by the Retailers has been better than expected.
- Retailers acknowledge that the solution is part of their long term technology strategy to easily and cost effectively add value to their business.
- Point of Sale software vendors have embraced the solution as a value-add to their products.
TranZact-ECR Technical Support
Operational Support
Details of on-site TranZact-ECR product support
- Diagnostics:
TranZact-ECR provides a rich set of diagnostic features for optimal site maintenance. These provide an early warning of potential problems - often before the customer is aware of them. Further, in the event of a problem developing, they provide the capability for the problem to be traced efficiently and effectively.
- Remote Support:
TranZact-ECR machines allow remote 'dial in' support to any location, providing immediate on-site problem resolution.
- Help Desk:
Full help desk support is provided
- First Line Support:
First line support at the operations level is managed by existing POS integrators. This builds on the existing customer relationship, and eliminates the need for yet another 'port of call' for the customer.
Technical Support
TranZact-ECR provides extensive support to POS developers and integrators. Speak to the TranZact-ECR team for pre-installation facilitation, integration assistance, etc.
Firm, fast technical support is provided to the spectrum of stakeholders; POS developers, service providers, POS integrators and others. This includes:
- Pre installation support
- Integration support
- Testing and qualification
- Design queries and suggestions
Product Maintenance
Ongoing product development takes care of the very factors that are critical to your continued success
TranZact-ECR undertakes to ensure product excellence throughout technology evolution prompted by factors such as:
- Interface changes
- Interface changes
- Technological changes
- Hardware independence issues
- New business requirements