Technology Associates Uganda deploys mission-critical data-centre infrastructure at Crane Bank to run
Misys BankMaster LAN 7.0
In an earlier engagement, Technology Associates assisted the bank acquire and implement the Bankmaster core banking suite to cover their comprehensive bank automation functionality. In a continued measure of strength and confidence, Crane Bank once again reposed their confidence in our Uganda branch for the implementation of their RISC Unix data-centre Server infrastructure for their ongoing BankMaster core banking application deployment.

After a lengthy evaluation of various solutions from SUN and HP, Crane Bank identified SUN’s SunFire V890 and V440 series servers. The installation has been built for redundancy of the Server platform for Bankmaster. The project also involved collapsing all the banks network on a centralised Cisco Gigabit Ethernet switch that will consolidate all the application servers at the Bank for their CR2 ATM/POS switch applications as well as the Misys BranchPower applications.
This installation becomes the second SUN Server installation by Technology Associates Uganda. Earlier, the company was contracted by Jubilee Insurance to supply and implement a SUNFire V880 for their centralised Premia Core Insurance applications.
