Technology Associates wins prestigious ERP implementation contract at Gray Mackenzie Engineering Services.
Gray Mackenzie & Co were appointed the licensed shipping agents in Dubai, in 1891 marking the beginning of a long and successful relationship between Gray Mackenzie & Co, and the then Trucial Sheikhdom, which became the United Arab Emirates in 1971.
Over the ensuing years, Gray Mackenzie & Co grew from strength to strength and became known as MMI in 1982 and today is a subsidiary company of the prestigious Emirates Group enjoying 100% local ownership. GMES provide an extensive range of sales & service in key areas namely Laboratory Caliberation & Inspection services, Instrumentation, Site installation, Packaging, Marking services and supply of Marine chemicals. A team of qualified engineers combines sound technical, product and application knowledge servicing through the regions largest testing & calibration repair facility complements services in a number of specific industries, including Oil, Gas, Petrochemical, Power, Desalination, Construction and Shipping. Their businesses are networked throughout the UAE, Qatar and Oman.
Accuracy in service delivery and time bound deliverables are paramount to GMES’s success. When they therefore inherited the erstwhile Sage Line 200 system from MMI and faced challenges with the limitations in the system’s functionality, GMES invited bids, presentations and proposals from the leading ERP vendors in the Middle East. The old system lacked the essential attributes that pressurized the business tremendously and upon exhaustive evaluations and product walk-through’s awarded the prestigious contract to Technology Associates to implement a customized version of the Steerprise ERP software.
The bid was won against Sage, Great Plains among other established ERP vendors in the UAE, and included the migration of existing data from their Sage Line 200 system.
The project involved the implementation of the Supply Chain modules, financials, HR & Payroll with a Time attendance swipe card system and most importantly the implementation of a Workshop & Maintenance module. The highlight of the implementation was the Workshop & Maintenance module, because of its core nature to the business of GMES. Specific emphasis was laid in the scoping for the help desk system that tracked workflow of calls logged at the |